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When to Consider Treatment for Your Ovarian Cysts

When to Consider Treatment for Your Ovarian Cysts

Have you ever felt a twinge of pain in your pelvis? If the pain sticks around and causes discomfort with urinating, intercourse, or changes your menstrual cycle, you could be dealing with an ovarian cyst.

While most ovarian cysts are harmless, some do require expert medical attention. The team at Collaborative Women's Care in Miami, Florida, provides you with treatment when your ovarian cysts are causing you pain.

Dr. Eduardo Valdes is our in-house board-certified OB/GYN. Dr. Valdes has years of experience treating different kinds of ovarian cysts and customizes care based on your symptoms.

What is an ovarian cyst?

Ovarian cysts are common growths on your ovaries that may or may not cause pain. There are several different types of ovarian cysts, each of which affects your body differently. The most common types of cysts may not even cause symptoms and are generally harmless.

However, some ovarian cysts cause problems and may require treatment. The most common types of ovarian cysts that you may encounter include the following:

In rare cases, a cyst on your ovary may be ovarian cancer. These cysts are solid tumors made up of cancer cells.

Follicular and corpus luteum cysts are the most prevalent forms of ovarian cysts. These are traditionally harmless, and you might not even know you have them.

Several factors play a role in your risk of developing cysts, including pregnancy, age, and a previous history of ovarian cysts.

Common symptoms of ovarian cysts

Most ovarian cysts don't cause symptoms, but when they do, they can disrupt your daily activities. The symptoms you develop depend on the type of cyst on your ovaries. Symptoms of ovarian cysts also vary from person to person and include the following:

You may experience severe symptoms if your ovarian cyst bursts. When this happens, you may have breakthrough bleeding and intense pain in your abdomen.

If you're experiencing symptoms and think you might have an ovarian cyst, you must seek professional help to prevent complications like ovarian torsion.

When to seek treatment

In most cases, an ovarian cyst is harmless, and you likely don't even know you have one. However, some circumstances warrant seeing Dr. Valdes and the Collaborative Women's Care team.

You should get treatment for your symptoms if you have any of the following:

Pain that doesn't go away

Pelvic pain that doesn't seem to let up is a red flag regarding ovarian cysts. Dr. Valdes should evaluate pain that's severe or interferes with your normal activities.

Severe pain could be a sign of an ovarian torsion, which is a medical emergency and requires immediate treatment.

Changes in your menstrual cycle

If you notice that your menstrual cycle has changed, it's always a good idea to get an evaluation from Dr. Valdes. Ovarian cysts can lead to bleeding between your cycles, severe cramping, and period irregularities.

Pain with sex

Pain with intercourse can signal several problems, including ovarian cysts. You can experience pain during or after sex that can linger when you have a cyst.

Difficulty urinating

Larger cysts sometimes lead to trouble urinating. You might feel like you need to empty your bladder more often than usual, or it could be hard to empty it when you have an ovarian cyst.

You should also seek treatment if your abdomen seems distended or if you regularly experience bloating and abdominal fullness.

If you're dealing with pain from an ovarian cyst, call our office today at 305-200-3878 to book an appointment. You can also schedule a consultation online.


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