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What to Expect at Your Well-Woman Exam

What to Expect at Your Well-Woman Exam

An essential part of staying healthy as a woman is having regular well-woman exams for preventive maintenance and care. A well-woman exam is the best way to keep up with your reproductive health and find problems early on for fast and successful treatment.

Dr. Eduardo Valdes and the Collaborative Women's Care team offer multiple treatments and preventive care strategies, such as well-woman exams, to keep you happy and healthy.

Dr. Valdes offers compassionate care and helps you prepare for your next well-woman exam to stay ahead of your reproductive wellness.

What is a well-woman exam?

A well-woman exam is a preventive health screening that allows you to establish a relationship with an OB/GYN or women's health practitioner to stay on top of your breast and reproductive health.

As a woman, you should have a well-woman exam yearly to screen for problems like breast cancer, cervical cancer, and sexually transmitted infections.

These exams are crucial to not only your physical health and well-being but your mental and reproductive health too.

Steps in a well-woman exam

There are several steps to your yearly well-woman exam. Dr. Valdes takes the time to listen to your concerns and evaluate your reproductive health through several steps, including:

Health history

The first step in your well-woman exam is thoroughly reviewing your health history. Dr. Valdes talks to you about your current health history, past medical problems, and any current concerns or conditions.

He also asks about your sexual health, including the use of birth control, safe sex practices, and any sexual concerns you may have.

Another part of your health history is an evaluation of your physical activity and diet and the use of alcohol or illicit drugs.

It's crucial to be extremely honest with Dr. Valdes about your current physical and sexual health. It helps him provide the tools and treatments you need to stay safe and healthy.

Physical exam

The next step in your well-woman exam is the physical exam. You'll need to undress and get in a gown for this part of your exam.

Dr. Valdes listens to your heart and lungs and evaluates your vital signs, including your blood pressure. He then performs a breast exam on both your breasts and under your armpits to look for lumps or abnormal changes.

The next step is a pelvic exam, where Dr. Valdes evaluates your vagina with a speculum and takes samples of your cells to send for a pap smear. He also presses around your abdomen to assess for pain or lumps.

After your physical exam, you can clean up and get dressed.

Goal planning

The last aspect of your well-woman exam is planning your goals for the upcoming year until your next exam. Dr. Valdes talks to you about your goals, including managing your weight, and family planning.

He provides information about birth control and how to perform breast exams monthly to find problems early on if they arise.

Preparing for your well-woman exam

One of the best ways to prepare for your upcoming well-woman exam is to understand what to expect and any questions you may have about your reproductive health.

It's also a good idea not to schedule your exam during your menstrual cycle. Having your period may make your pelvic exam more uncomfortable and affect your pap smear results.

Another crucial part of preparing for your exam is brushing up on the medications you take and your family medical history. Dr. Valdes asks about your family's medical problems, including diabetes, cancer, and high blood pressure.

He also asks about your medications, the dose, and any allergies to environmental issues or medicines.

Avoiding sex for two days before your appointment is also crucial. Semen that's left over in your vaginal and cervix can change the results of specific tests, meaning you may need to come back for another exam.

Don't hesitate to call our office today at 305-200-3878 to request an appointment for your well-woman exam or schedule a consultation online.

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