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How Long Does Perimenopause Last?

How Long Does Perimenopause Last?

Women go through many hormonal changes throughout their life, the most profound being the transition into menopause.

Perimenopause is when a woman's body begins to undergo changes where a natural conception is no longer an option.

Women often dread perimenopause, as it usually comes with complex symptoms and sometimes years of riding a hormonal roller coaster — but it does eventually end.

If you're getting close to perimenopause or are already in the midst of it, the experienced team at Collaborative Women's Care has the tools to help. Dr. Eduardo Valdes is our board-certified OB/GYN, offering personalized treatments to ease the discomfort of perimenopause.

Understanding perimenopause

Perimenopause is the time in a woman's life when the reproductive system begins to change, preparing for life after child-bearing years.

Menopause is when you've gone twelve consecutive months without a period, but that doesn't happen immediately. Perimenopause is the months (or years) leading up to menopause when the body undergoes significant hormonal changes.

The most significant hormone change during perimenopause is estrogen. As you inch up in age, your body produces less estrogen, which aids in fertility and conception.

A decrease in estrogen prepares your ovaries to stop releasing eggs once you finally hit menopause, which marks the end of fertility and reproduction.

As hormone levels drop during perimenopause, your periods become erratic and unpredictable. However, you're still able to get pregnant during this time.

Signs and symptoms of perimenopause

Women experience perimenopause differently and may or may not have symptoms that interfere with daily life.

The symptoms of perimenopause begin from the fluctuation in estrogen. As you get closer to perimenopause, your body begins to decrease the amount of estrogen it produces, leading to various symptoms that include:

Most women experience one or more of the above symptoms during the time they're in perimenopause. Some women can tolerate these problems without treatment, while others require medical help to live comfortably.

How long will I be in perimenopause?

The length of perimenopause differs from one woman to the next. Various factors play into how long you'll experience symptoms related to perimenopause, but the most crucial factors are your hormones.

Falling levels of both estrogen and progesterone cause perimenopause to begin, which typically happens in a woman's 40s, but can happen as early as the 30s or as late as the 50s.

The average length of perimenopause is four years in most women. However, that varies greatly. Some women only undergo perimenopause for a few months before entering menopause, while others may be in this transition for more than ten years.

Most women fall somewhere between the two extremes, with the end of perimenopause happening after twelve consecutive months without a period.

What treatments are available?

Perimenopause can be uncomfortable, so Dr. Valdes offers various treatments to help you cope with the symptoms.

After an evaluation of your menstrual cycle and discussing the symptoms you're experiencing, Dr. Valdes offers several treatment options for uncomfortable side effects of perimenopause, including:

He may also prescribe anti-seizure medications to help with hot flashes. However, lifestyle changes are also crucial to dealing with the daily symptoms of perimenopause.

For example, dress in layers so when you get hot, you can take something off or bundle up when you're cold. Keep your bedroom cool at night to keep night sweats away, and wear lightweight, breathable clothing to bed.

With lifestyle changes and hormone therapy, most women get through perimenopause without many issues.

Call our office today at 305-200-3878 to request an appointment to discuss menopause treatment options or schedule a consultation with Dr. Valdes online.

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