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7 Tips to Stay Fit and Healthy During Pregnancy

 7 Tips to Stay Fit and Healthy During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a joyous time of life, but it comes with its own challenges. Staying healthy and fit as your body changes and your baby grows is just one of them. 

At Collaborative Women’s Care in Miami, Florida, our entire team is dedicated to helping you navigate pregnancy happily and healthily. We’ve assembled this brief list of tips so that you can be as healthy and energetic as possible during each trimester.

1. Keep your prenatal appointments

The most important advice we can give you is to be sure to schedule and keep your regular appointments with us. From the time you learn you’re pregnant until you deliver your baby, we monitor your pregnancy to be sure you and your baby hit all of the necessary milestones.

Your exams increase in frequency as you get closer to your delivery date. A normal prenatal exam schedule is: 

If you have a high-risk pregnancy (i.e., older maternal age, medical conditions, multiples, etc.) you need to see us more frequently. We may also test your baby for chromosomal and genetic abnormalities if you desire.

2. Take your prenatal vitamins

Ideally, you should start a prenatal vitamin even before you become pregnant. Prenatal vitamins contain the nutrients your baby needs to develop normally, including 400 mcg of folic acid. 

Folic acid prevents the development of neural tubal defects in your developing baby. Neural tube defects could lead to serious neural disorders, including spina bifida and anencephaly. 

3. Eat plenty of vegetables, proteins, and fruits

Folic acid is a form of Vitamin B that helps your baby develop normally. But both you and your baby need a full range of vitamins and minerals to stay healthy. In addition to taking your prenatal vitamin and any other supplements we recommend, be sure to concentrate your healthy diet on:

Although you’re “eating for two,” be sure you don’t gain more weight than is appropriate for your build. We help you stay on track with weight gain during your regular appointments.

4. Avoid certain foods, substances, and pets

In addition to focusing your diet on healthy foods, you should also eliminate unhealthy ones, including processed foods and those with sugar and trans fats. During pregnancy, you also have to avoid certain kinds of foods that would normally be considered healthy, including some seafood and cheese.

Be extra aware of any cravings you may have for non-food items, which is a sign of Pica, which may be caused by a deficiency in iron or other minerals. Avoid changing cat litter if your cat is an indoor/outdoor cat. Cats who eat rodents might carry the infection toxoplasmosis.

5. Exercise regularly

As your body changes, it’s important to move and exercise regularly to keep your muscles, bones, and cardiovascular system healthy and strong. If you’ve never exercised before, or if you’re overweight, we help you find a routine that works for you and keeps your baby healthy, too.

Exercise also helps prevent back pain and allows you to lose weight more easily after delivery. You can continue to do most forms of pregnancy during each trimester, but avoid high-impact exercise, including contact sports and gymnastics. You should also avoid exercise that could result in an injury, such as horseback riding or scuba diving. 

Save hot yoga or hot pilates until after your delivery. Exercising in a hot room could cause you to become overheated and risks fainting.

6. Drink lots of water

Even though your uterus may press on your bladder and increase your urgency to urinate, don’t skimp on water and other healthy liquids. Continue to drink whenever you’re thirsty so that you stay hydrated and help your body flush out toxins. Avoid sugary beverages and alcohol, though.

7. Take some “you” time

When your baby is born, your schedule won’t be your own anymore. You’ll have night feedings and daytime diaper changes, and a tiny baby who has needs all their own.

Develop a habit now of taking time to focus on yourself, so you can keep that going even after your baby is born. Self-care isn’t selfish, it’s essential for your health and well-being, and for that of your baby, too. Some suggestions include:

You may also benefit from counseling to help you adjust to this new time of life. If you think you’re pregnant, we help you get on and stay on the road to health. Contact us now for a pregnancy test or prenatal test by phoning our friendly team or using our online form.

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